years since surviving the horrors of Desolation Island, second-tier superhero Ben
Thomason, AKA Force, is suspended from his position as Chief Corrections officer
at the rebuilt Island penitentiary after a drunken brawl with several disgruntled subordinates. Court ordered to attend anger management courses, Ben is transported to the Jasper Outpost, a government
funded rehab center specializing in soothing the bruised, battered, and sometimes brittle egos of those within the hero trade.
Joined by
a trio of specially endowed but equally troubled teammates, to include the military’s first hybrid human/cybernetic
soldier known as Scar, a hulking, female brute cursed with multi-personality disorder
named Jekyll-ene and Déjà vu, a time-bending
enigma with a deadly secret, Ben soon finds the tranquil settings of the isolated Outpost anything but.
As counseling commences and a blizzard of record proportions cloaks the surrounding Oregonian mountain ranges,
a fiery bolt pierces the snow-filled skies, crash-landing directly between the tiny twin cities of Jasper and Boulder
From the burning wreckage of this downed craft an unimaginable evil will crawl; a mutated monstrosity whose
sole reason for existence is the systematic termination of all those unfortunate enough to cross its bloodthirsty path.
Soon, freshly fallen snow and hardened ice caps will stain a dark shade of crimson from the slaughter of
innocents, the only thing standing in the way of total annihilation a handful of emotionally scarred, anti-social burnouts
once heralded for their unique powers and heroic ways.
Accompanied by a young counselor self-appointed to chronicle the horrific events as they unfold, the newly
formed team of disgruntled misfits soon find themselves in the familiar role of protector for a group of terrified locals
transported to the Post for safety.
Forced into a desperate last stand atop the frigid grounds of the Jasper Outpost, Ben Thomason, infamous
as much for his un-PC rants and drunken rages as the wrecking-ball sized fists that are his trademark, will discover that
survival atop this particular island isn’t nearly as probable.
Now on sale at Double-Dragon Publishing and at Amazon.com in
Kindle format.
Soon to be on sale at Fictionwise.com and other on-line retailers.
And don't forget to check out the novel that started
it all, 2006's 'DESOLATION ISLAND', on sale at Amazon.com, Fictionwise.com and other on-line